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David Roberts


David Roberts was born in Sydney in 1987. He has always had a predilection for books, but his true love of literature came from his studies in English at The University of New South Wales. Soon he was discovering novels in his spare time, becoming especially infatuated with the writings of John Updike, William Gaddis, Martin Amis, Lionel Shriver, Edward St. Aubyn, Jonathan Franzen and Philip Roth. In 2009, he wrote his English Honours thesis on two of William Gaddis's novels, The Recognitions (1955) and JR (1975). Having become enamoured with darkly comic literature, David concluded that he had to write his own, so he enrolled in a course called 'Starting the Novel' at The University of Sydney's Centre for Continuing Education. His submissions for that course were the beginnings of his first work of fiction, Young Love, a satirical novella published by Primer Fiction, an independent Sydney-based press.